Get Maximum Return-On-Investment on PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertisements Services

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People often link PPC with Google; But PPC is much more than Google. It goes beyond Google search engine results pages (SERP).

Social media sites like Face book, LinkedIn, and YouTube also works on the pay per click model.


Our PPC Services

Search Advertising

Also known as internet search advertising, search advertising allows you to display your paid ads on multiple search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. People who use search advertising enables people to see their ads who search the specific keyword, and they pay money every time an individual clicks the ad.

Display Advertising

Display advertising is a paid form of advertising that consists of text, images, video, audio, and motion ads. The ad gets display on various websites and social media platforms. These ads can appear in different sizes depending upon the place where they are displayed.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising allows you to advertise your product or service on various social media platforms. It helps in increasing your sale, getting traffic on your website, and building your brand value. Advertising on social media involves creating attractive content on your profile, engaging your followers, and running ads. Social media platforms that are trending nowadays are Face book, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat.

Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising refers to ads that are designed and created for mobile devices. These devices could be a smartphone, tablets, and other such devices. These ads appear on various apps, websites that are viewed on mobile devices. Such ads are beneficial as a number of people use mobile devices every now then.

Google AdWords Remarketing

Google AdWords Remarketing refers to a kind of online advertising that targets people who have already visited the website in the past. People get to see the ads when they surf the internet, watching YouTube videos, or while reading articles. It can help you in increasing your conversion rates and ROI.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads or the product listing ads are product-centric. The ads appear on the Google search results when a particular product is searched on Google. These ads can be effective for your marketing. You can display your ads on the very top with clickable images.

Save A Big Amount of Money On Your PPC Campaign with Our Experts

Creating Ad copyright

A successful PPC campaign requires an ideal title and meta description, good keywords, and a summary. We at Scribo Solution create the best Ad copyright and assure high ROI for your customers.

Reduced CPC

We have a team of highly trained and Google certified PPC experts, who make PPC, campaign cost-effective through their strategies.

Better leads and sales

We at Scribo Solution uses and imply the best PPC strategies to get more and more leads for your business.

Projects ReportingBID management

With years of experience in PPC campaigns, we bring out effective bids on certain keywords. It helps in reducing cost and increases the ROI.